"We Need Stability": Colchester Machine Tools' MD, Jonathan Wright is Backing Britain

Backing Britain is back. Made in Group is urging the UK government to debate and act upon: addressing concerns related to safeguarding manufacturing capacity, addressing concerns related to ownership of British businesses and appointing a Minister for manufacturing.

After the recent general election, the Backing Britain Campaign aims to present both the challenges and opportunities in the manufacturing sector to the new government. By amplifying the voices of the business leaders most affected, the campaign seeks to educate top-level officials about the changes that SMEs in manufacturing want to see.

Empowering UK Manufacturing: Insights from Jonathan Wright of Colchester Machine Tools

In an extremely insightful discussion with Jonathan Wright, Managing Director of Colchester Machine Tools, the challenges and opportunities facing the UK manufacturing sector were laid bare. Colchester Machine Tools, a renowned manufacturer of CNC machinery, has been a steadfast supporter of UK industry since their inception in 1887. During an interview with Sam Sleight of Made in Yorkshire, Jonathan shared his perspectives on the sector's inherent strengths, the critical challenges it faces, including infrastructure inefficiencies and resource wastage, and the significance of the "Backing Britain" campaign.

Supporting the UK Manufacturing Sector

Colchester Machine Tools has been a key player in the UK manufacturing landscape for well over 100 years. Their machine tools are crucial for thousands of tier 2 and tier 3 companies supplying to a range of industries such as automotive, aerospace, medical and defence. As well as supplying tier ones and some OEMs in these industries too, Colchester also do a lot of work in Education; "Our products are integral to the development of engineers at all levels, from apprentices to experienced industry professionals" Jonathan explained, underscoring the company's impact on skill development in the UK.

The company's machines are renowned for their durability and longevity, with many still operational after 50 years. This longevity not only speaks to the quality of the products but also to the company's commitment to providing long-term support. "We have over 100,000 machines installed worldwide in operation at the moment, and we pride ourselves on offering continued spare parts and technical support," Jonathan noted. This support ensures that their clients can maintain productivity without the disruption of sourcing new machinery, thereby fostering a reliable and stable manufacturing environment.

Strengths of UK Manufacturing

The Colchester MD highlighted several key strengths of the UK manufacturing sector. One of the most significant is the sector's resilience and adaptability, particularly among SMEs. Jonathan spoke about the fact that small to medium sized British manufacturing businesses have demonstrated remarkable resilience, managing to sustain operations and even grow market share amidst numerous global challenges. "Despite everything that's been thrown at them, I think UK businesses, particularly SME's, are very robust. They're pretty good at just getting on with things! Regardless of what's going on around them, they stay resilient." Wright remarked, reflecting a deep respect for the tenacity of SMEs in manufacturing.


While the strengths of UK manufacturing are evident, the industry also faces significant challenges too. Jonathan talked Sam through what he saw as the three most prominent challenges in UK Manufacturing at the moment.

Stability and Strategic Planning

Jonathan pointed out that the frequent changes in government policies and leadership have created an environment of uncertainty, hindering long-term planning and investment. "The lack of stability due to political shifts, whether from Brexit, the pandemic, or changing leadership, has been a major hurdle," Wright emphasised. He described how these changes often lead to inconsistent strategies, making it difficult for businesses to align with a coherent national industrial strategy.

The West Yorkshire based MD, who will be celebrating 25 years at Colchester Machine Tools next year, argued for the establishment of a robust industrial strategy; one that will remain consistent despite political changes. Jonathan suggested that such a strategy should be protected by a framework akin to a Royal Charter, which would ensure continuity and stability. "A consistent industrial strategy, like a Royal Charter, would provide the stability needed for businesses to plan and invest confidently," he said. This stability is crucial for fostering an environment where manufacturers can thrive, innovate, and contribute significantly to the economy.


Jonathan expressed significant concern over the UK's track record in delivering major infrastructure projects, which he described as "a national embarrassment" due to their inefficiency and delays. He referenced HS2 as a notable example, pointing out that such projects often run behind schedule and over budget. This inefficiency, Jonathan believes, undermines the nation's ability to move forward, especially in critical areas such as energy and transport infrastructure. "We have to start delivering these big infrastructure projects efficiently, on time, and to plan," he stressed, pointing out that the lack of reliable infrastructure is a substantial barrier to the sector's growth and competitiveness.

Waste and Resource Management

The final major challenge Jonathan identified is the issue of waste - not in the traditional sense of physical waste but in terms of wasted resources and taxpayers' money. He criticised the current system for its inefficiencies, such as overuse of consultants and misallocation of funds, which he sees as draining valuable resources from where they are needed most. Jonathan argued for a more efficient and transparent use of resources, ensuring that government spending directly benefits the manufacturing sector rather than being lost in bureaucracy. "It's about how you spend that money efficiently and make sure as much of it as possible gets to where it needs to get to," he stated, highlighting the need for better governance and oversight in resource management​.

The Vision of "Backing Britain"

The "Backing Britain" campaign holds special significance for Jonathan and Colchester Machine Tools. For him, this initiative represents a collective effort to support the wider manufacturing sector. As a manufacturer that directly supports such a significant proportion of the supply chain in the UK, and has in fact seen their domestic market share increase by 35% over the past few years, Backing Britain symbolises continued growth for Colchester. 

The Need for a Dedicated Minister for Manufacturing

Jonathan whole heartedly supports the campaign calling for a dedicated minister manufacturing; he believes it would be instrumental in addressing the ongoing instability of industrial strategy. When talking about the stability this appointment would bring, Jonathan explained that it would not only provide focused oversight and advocacy within the government but also help in the strategic development of the industry.

"Having a dedicated minister to manufacturing and having an industrial strategy developed, like a royal charter - we have to wholeheartedly support this and get our weight behind it", emphasised Jonathan. He continued, "As engineers and as manufacturing companies, we like to have a plan. We like stability. We like to know where we're going", concluding, "when we know that, we can all align ourselves and work towards it."

In conclusion, Jonathan Wright's insights offer a comprehensive understanding of the current state and future prospects of the UK manufacturing sector. Through stable and consistent policies, strategic planning, and dedicated support, the sector can continue to be a cornerstone of the UK economy. The vision of "Backing Britain" and the call for a dedicated minister for manufacturing highlight the proactive steps needed to secure the future of UK manufacturing.

Made in Group is a trade organisation that helps elevate manufacturing businesses' online presence whilst giving them a platform to connect and share ideas. Dedicated to uniting British industry, the UK collective relies on its members to help them amplify their voice for manufacturing and showcase the critical role of industry leaders in shaping the nation's future.

Sign the pledge now > Backing Britain pledge.

Join us in Westminster on 5th December to present the Backing Britain manifesto to the government. Register now.